Staff Highlight, Hannah Tinker, Junior Marketing ExecutiveHere at Verastar we are very proud of all our staff who work for us, we wanted to celebrate this by asking new starters about their experience within the first couple of months in their new position within the company.

This month we have focused on our Marketing team, with Hannah Tinker, our Junior Marketing Executive in the spotlight, this is what she had to say.

“After graduating last July, I have been seeking a marketing role that I feel suited me. I was selected for a new Junior Marketing Executive role at Verastar. Here’s a taste of my first week working with the Marketing team at Verastar.”

“I barely slept the night before, worrying that the pleasant atmosphere that had been perceived to me in the interview stages was falsified and I was being thrown into a shark tank. Any fears of swimming with the fishes were quickly washed away as I was warmly welcomed into our marketing team.

The first day was a general familiarisation with the team and my surroundings – who takes two sugars and where the nearest fire exit is – as well as being able to check where documents are located and the work I will generally be undertaking. I also attended the Verastar induction session, which provided a friendly thorough introduction to the history of the umbrella company and our range of brands, as well as company policies and regulations.

Each day has been varied, with my job role being wide ranging, I tend to get involved in all manner of tasks on any given day. From digital marketing to PR and a spectrum of things in between, we tend to have a few projects on the go all at once. Each member of the team supports each other and we have a vibrant, communicative work ethic. The workload is fast-paced and heavy but having that light-hearted, friendly atmosphere works hand in hand.”

If you feel you have what it takes to become one of our shining stars, please see if your skills and experience fit the criteria of our current vacant positions, outlined here