Our colleagues in Rutherglen celebrated Burns Night in style and supported the local food bank with a traditional cèilidh!
The entire Scottish site was decorated with St Andrew’s bunting and all colleagues received a Robert Burns Scottish goodie bag (Irn Bru and 2 Tunnock’s treats) and a tartan topped cupcake.
A brave colleague ‘addressed’ the Haggis in a time-honoured tradition with an eight-verse poem to the food. The ode, called Address to a Haggis, was written by Robert Burns and hails the ‘Great chieftain o the puddin’-race!’
Finally, everyone took to the floor dancing and playing Gaelic folk music for the cèilidh.
A Burns Night raffle saw over 30 winners and raised a total of £130 which was used to buy urgent items for the Trussell Trust Food Bank.
Carinna McMillan, Head of Customer Care Utilities and Telecoms commented: “In Rutherglen we choose to collate for the foodbank in January as we know this can be a bleak month. We were delighted to be able to hand over 800 items because of colleague support.”